man cleaning pool filters

Simple Tips for Cleaning Your Pool or Spa Cartridge Filter

Staying on top of the maintenance of your pool or spa cartridge filter is essential to keeping your pool or spa in tip top shape. Making sure your filter stays clean will help ensure that your filter lasts longer and does its job more effectively. Here are some simple steps for properly maintaining your pool or spa cartridge filter.
  1. Clean the filter with the instructions given to you when you bought the filter.
  2. Don’t use a high pressure hose on the filter.
  3. Don’t use a stiff brush on the filter.
  4. Rotate your filter use between two filters.
  5. Always have the proper balance of chemicals in the pool or spa.
You will want to make sure you clean your filter at least once weekly and soaked every two months or when the filter becomes clogged. Typically, the filter will become clogged with chemicals, perspiration, dirt, soaps, or oils. If you’re unsure of how to clean your filter, use the following steps for assistance:
  1. Take the filter out of the skimmer box.
  2. Rinse the filter using a hose that has lower water pressure. You will want to begin rinsing the filter at the top and work your way to the bottom.
  3. Soak the filter for at least an hour in a cleaning solution. Cleaning solutions for your pool or spa are available at Eversole Pool and Spa.
  4. After soaking in the cleaning solution, rinse the filter off one more time to ensure all residue, oils, dirts, etc. have been removed.
The better you take care of your pool or spa cartridge filter, the longer it will last. Take the simple steps of continuous pool and spa maintenance to avoid more issues or costs in the long run. Please note: For best results, use Caribbean Blue Forever Clean Enzyme or Enzyme Magic weekly in your pool or spa. This all natural, completely biodegradable enzyme aids in the digestion of oils and matter keeping your water lines clean and reduces filter maintenance Resource:

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