C.L. Bailey Co.

Enjoy a Satisfying Game of Pool with C.L. Bailey

Founded in the 1990’s by a father and son team

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C.L. Bailey Co.

Have a smoother and more satisfying game of pool when you play on a C.L. Bailey billiard table.

Get your own pool table now at Eversole Pool and Spa, a trusted C.L. Bailey distributor in Lima, OH. We have advanced and trendy designs for those who want a unique billiard table. When it comes to pool tables, C.L. Bailey is one of the brands you can trust.  

The dependable and knowledgeable staff of Eversole Pool and Spa are here to assist if you are specifically looking for a billiard table from this brand, give us a call today at 419-221-3494.

You can also check out the website www.clbailey.com to learn more about C.L. Bailey products.

CL Bailey